"Life of Pi" tiger owner Michael Hackenburger beating tigers and other animals at Bowmanville Zoological Park, Canada.

  • por: Kim nghiem
  • destinatário: To The Legislative Assembly Of Ontario

There have been videos released of the owner of Bowmanville Zoo (Bowman Zoological Park), Michael Hackenberger, also "Life of Pi" tiger owner, beating a tiger to the point of involuntary anal gland release. Tigers only have this reaction when severely traumatized and fearful. Also there are videos of other animals being beaten by Michael Hackenberger. He even laughs and explains that PETA would shut him down if they knew. Please sign this petition to ask Canadian Government to remove all animals from his care. He is an out-of-control monster with a whip. He SHOULD NOT have in his possession any animals. Sign this petition to have these animals moved to a sanctuary. Wild animals DO NOT belong in this environment suffering the abuses, isolation, and neglect of this cruel man Michael Hackenberger (or any others) for the entertainment industry.

Watch the video by clicking on picture.

To The Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

I am Kim Nghiem, a concerned citizen of United States who has knowledge of animal abuses happening in your country. Michael Hackenberger, of Bowmanville Zoo (Bowman Zoological Park), whips his tigers to the point of involuntary anal release, which only happens to tigers under extreme fear and duress. The attached video clearly shows abuses suffered by a tiger on account of Michael Hackenberger and a helper of his, whose name is currently unknown, but who shows on video.

The following petition is signed from concerned citizens from many countries on Earth. Although we are not citizens of Ontario, our concerns should still matter, because tigers are an endangered species worldwide suffering extreme abuses in your own country by Michael Hackenberger.

Under such extreme conditions, we demand all animals under his care be removed and placed in sanctuary. We are asking that Bowman Zoological Park be closed and Michael Hackenberger NOT be allowed to own any animals, exotic or not. Also, Michael Hackenberger should be prosecuted to the full extent of your laws to show the World that Ontario does not endorse the abuse, neglect, isolation of exotic species under any conditions whatsoever. 

Please, please help these animals. The World is watching and waiting.

Thank you, thank you so much,

Kim Nghiem

Atualização #28 anos atrás
We need MANY MORE signatures to make a difference!!!
Please share this on social media !!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
PLEASE READ THIS!!!!! Thank you for sharing this video and petition on social media.
These tigers and other animals are still facing abuse every day. You can be their voice. Join me to help save an endangered species from further abuses. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
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